Review: Stories Wrestling Can Tell

Cover of Stories Wrestling Can Tell featuring black and white photos of the family and wrestlers

Chin, Michael. Stories Wrestling Can Tell. Cowboy Jamboree Press, 2023. Review by Guillermo Rebollo Gil Michael Chin’s Stories Wrestling Can Tell is all heart. And all Hart! The heart is evident in the author’s tender, and sincere attempt at thinking through the memories that best encapsulate his relationship with his father and grandfather, as well … Read more Review: Stories Wrestling Can Tell

Review: Butts in Seats: The Tony Schiavone Story

Comic image of Tony Schiavone leaning on the ropes

Manning, Dirk, Tony Schiavone, and Friends. Butts in Seats: The Tony Schiavone Story. Source Point Press, 2021. Review by Christopher J. Olson With Butts in Seats, long-time professional wrestling commentator Tony Schiavone –with help from co-author Dirk Manning and several talented artists – provides a glimpse into his life both in and out of the … Read more Review: Butts in Seats: The Tony Schiavone Story