The Best of NXT in 2018

This review of NXT from 2018 comes from more of a fangirl perspective than an academic one, and it is meant to reflect only my own preferences for the best part of the WWE Universe. I would love to hear any other NXT fan’s reactions to this past year, and for a second opinion, and … Read more The Best of NXT in 2018

Elections and Wrestlers, Notes IV: Is there a Jesse voter? Is there a Trump voter?

From “Where Has the Jesse Voter Gone?” by Andrew Grossbach, Rusty Kath, Alicia Spencer, & Danielle Stuard So we now ask if there in fact is a “Jesse Voter?” We argue no. Ventura appealed to a number of different demographic groups. Granted, though there was support from the youth, particularly males, Ventura could not have … Read more Elections and Wrestlers, Notes IV: Is there a Jesse voter? Is there a Trump voter?

Nylons and Midriffs: TLC Review

Holiday greetings from your favorite wrestling blogger! The Tables, Ladders, and Chairs pay-per-view is in our rearview, and in Nylons fashion, I thought I’d share my thoughts about how the women fared at this show. Because there were only three matches featuring women on the card, I’ll simply talk about the matches generally. Good, bad, … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: TLC Review

Elections and Wrestlers, Notes III

John Heppen and I are still reflecting on “Where Has the Jesse Voter Gone?” by Andrew Grossbach, Rusty Kath, Alicia Spencer, & Danielle Stuard. Ventura was able to pull votes from Democrats and Republicans, as well as Independents. As seen in table 2, the vast majority of votes in the 1998 gubernatorial election for Norm … Read more Elections and Wrestlers, Notes III

Elections and Wrestlers, Notes II

John Heppen and I are still reflecting on “Where Has the Jesse Voter Gone?” by Andrew Grossbach, Rusty Kath, Alicia Spencer, & Danielle Stuard” Our first task was to find out who voted in the 1998 election. We narrowed our data field to incorporate solely those individuals who had the potential to vote for Jesse … Read more Elections and Wrestlers, Notes II

Elections and Wrestlers, Notes I

John Heppen and I have been reflecting on elections in which pro wrestlers run as candidates, as we move toward a model for understanding the place of wrestling and wrestling rhetoric in American political life. So we are reading about Jesse Ventura in “Where Has the Jesse Voter Gone?” by Andrew Grossbach, Rusty Kath, Alicia … Read more Elections and Wrestlers, Notes I

Nylons and Midriffs: Same Old, Same Old (December 3, 2018)

Greetings fans and friends. This week I’ll be mostly discussing how I feel as if I am stuck in a looping timeline watching WWE TV every week as of late. I think around this time of year, WWE Creative starts to get fatigued with storytelling, which is understandable. People are generally less interested in serial … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: Same Old, Same Old (December 3, 2018)

Andre the Giant [Critical Reflections on a Graphic Novel, part one]

Research in comics studies has gone a great distance toward defining comics as a medium, not a genre.  Within the American context, comics as a medium was, for decades, conflated with comics as a genre, typically the superhero genre.  In some ways, the scholar of wrestling studies might see such conflation as similar to the … Read more Andre the Giant [Critical Reflections on a Graphic Novel, part one]

Pro-Wrestling Slash

When I first got into professional wrestling — way back in 2014! — my first favorite wrestler was The Miz. I was watching WWE Main Event, which aired Wednesday nights on our Ion TV channel. This was before the WWE Network was launched, and before I had any access to higher level cable channels like … Read more Pro-Wrestling Slash

Nylons and Midriffs: A Fall from Grace (November 19, 2018)

How are you doing, good wrestling fans? I hope you all are staying warm and gearing up for the holidays. I have not yet begun my Christmas shopping, as I’m still in disbelief that we are already knocking on 2019’s door. With Thanksgiving in a few days, I thought this week we could play around … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: A Fall from Grace (November 19, 2018)