Nylons and Midriffs: Best of Both Worlds? (July 2, 2019)

Two weeks have passed, good wrestling fans, and I am still bored. I feel that every week I watch the WWE product, I sink deeper into an abyss of grey. I don’t feel any investment in the women’s storylines, but this is mostly because, as always, WWE is failing to create women’s stories outside of … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: Best of Both Worlds? (July 2, 2019)

Nylons and Midriffs: Brand New? (June 17, 2019)

I think all WWE fans can agree that the product is stale and stagnant as far as storytelling currently. With exception of the bright humor of the 24/7 title shenanigans, I can find little, if any, positive things happening on RAW and Smackdown at the moment. On paper, the main event and mid-card titles for … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: Brand New? (June 17, 2019)

“Da Crusher” Celebrated in Milwaukee

Wrestling legend Baron Von Raschke, Larry Lisowski and “The Incredible” Kenny J stand with the life-size bronze statue of Reggie “Da Crusher” Lisowski at Crusherfest on June 8. (Photo from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, taken by Erik S. Hanley/Now News Group) Recently, the City of South Milwaukee designated June 8, 2019, officially, Reggie “Da Crusher” Lisowski Day, … Read more “Da Crusher” Celebrated in Milwaukee

Nylons and Midriffs: Cards on the Table (June 3, 2019)

It’s time to lay it out, friends. This week, we’re taking a step back for once to consider the women’s and larger wrestling scenes at large. Because it would be nearly impossible not to in my opinion, we’ll unpack the implications of AEW as a startup company — what the brand’s existence may mean for … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: Cards on the Table (June 3, 2019)

Nylons and Midriffs: Checks and Championships (May 22, 2019)

I’ll be honest with you all. My interest in the WWE product has dipped drastically since WrestleMania. As we all know, we were heralded into a “new era” several months ago, with promises of new matchups and roster changes sure to revitalize a bland product. We got this for a hot minute but, as expected, … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: Checks and Championships (May 22, 2019)

Call for PWSA’s Inaugural Symposium

The President of the PWSA invites submissions for the association’s inaugural PWSA Symposium: WrestlePosium I. This virtual symposium will happen online on Saturday, April 4th, to coincide with WrestleMania. That week has become a touchstone for all of professional wrestling, not just the World Wrestling Entertainment’s signature show. As such, the PWSA seeks to bring … Read more Call for PWSA’s Inaugural Symposium

Nylons and Midriffs: The More Things Change…. (May 7, 2019)

Greetings good wrestling fans. I hope the weather has started to warm up wherever you may be! In the post-Superstar Shakeup world of WWE, things in many ways are heating up. But, for some female Superstars, things are….well, a prolonged winter in May, to say the least. Unlike most weeks, we’ll discuss how the Good, … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: The More Things Change…. (May 7, 2019)

CFP: Professional Wrestling Studies Journal

The Professional Wresting Studies Association invites submissions for the inaugural issue of the Professional Wrestling Studies Journal, an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal. We welcome scholarly work from any theoretical and methodological lens that is rigorous, insightful, and expands our audience’s understanding of professional wrestling past or present as a cultural, social, political, and/or economic institution. … Read more CFP: Professional Wrestling Studies Journal

Nylons and Midriffs: Boss of Who? (April 22, 2019)

It has been an interesting two weeks since WrestleMania for the women’s division. I know the drama surrounding a certain female wrestler has filled the dirt sheets for the better part of that time (and don’t worry, we’ll get to that), but in the midst of that controversy, there was also a Superstar Shakeup. Title … Read more Nylons and Midriffs: Boss of Who? (April 22, 2019)